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TOP 10 Spectacular man-made wonders around the world

The first lists of man-made wonders of the world were made more than 2000 years ago by the Greeks, these amazing wonders that many historians talked about in their books. But, unfortunately, those wonderful wonders no longer exist except for the Great Pyramid of Giza. These works of art have been destroyed by natural or man-made disasters.

TOP 10 Spectacular man-made wonders around the world
TOP 10 Spectacular man-made wonders around the world

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, as we mentioned, many lists of man-made wonders have been made. Let's build again, and collect the amazing man-made wonders of the world. Do not forget that these amazing destinations are very common and the most visited and popular by tourists from all over the world.

10. The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the amazing wonders and is the only terrestrial structure visible from space. the Great Wall of China is spread across 15 Chinese provinces and autonomous regions, and this huge wall is the tallest man-made structure in the world.

It is a wall made up of a series of separate sections of walls and trenches that were built at different historical stages and across six Chinese ruling dynasties, to defend China against all invaders. It is a building that has been in history for more than 2000 years, and some parts of the wall have fallen down.

Interestingly, for those who want to experience visiting the Great Wall of China, walking along the Great Wall of China will take about 18 months on foot.

9. Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer
Christ the Redeemer

Located on the 2330-foot Corcovado peak in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, the" Cristo Redentastato " is a huge statue standing with outstretched arms, quietly gazing over the millionth city.

The construction of this magnificent statue began in 1922 during the heyday of the art deco movement, and this concrete and soapstone statue is considered one of the largest designed statues of this kind in the world. Most visitors take a vertical train to get to the base of the peak. And from there, visitors to this monument had to climb hundreds of steps to get to the top. Today, fortunately, elevators and escalators are available to shorten and facilitate the journey.

8. Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu

One of the amazing wonders is Machu Picchu, a magnificent representation of the Inca civilization before the Spaniards came to the American continent. Where Machu Picchu is located specifically in the Andes mountains of Peru ,

The archaeological site of Machu Picchu includes an emperor's Palace, a fortress and a site dedicated to religious ceremonies where human sacrifices were made to appease the Inca gods . With the coming of the Spaniards, they did not pay attention to it, as this site was abandoned after the conquest, until it was "discovered" by an American professor in the early 1900's.

Machu Picchu is a magnificent construction, as this monumental city is built of polished stones, a very remarkable example of the quality of classical Inca architecture. The magnificence of this place is also enhanced by the picturesque nature that surrounds it, so Machu Picchu is the best and most visited tourist attraction in Peru.

7. Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia

For almost 1000 years, Hagia Sophia has been described as the largest cathedral in the world and the greatest structure to focus on. It was originally built as an Eastern Orthodox Cathedral in the city of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire.

But in 537 the situation changed when the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror entered and Istanbul was named, after which Hagia Sophia became an Ottoman mosque in 1453, which is common in ancient civilizations, and many Andalusian mosques turned into Spanish churches, and after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Hagia Sophia turned into a museum and in the past few years Erdogan and the Turkish government returned it back to a mosque in implementation of the will of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror .

The dome of Hagia Sophia is a marvel in itself, and the building as a whole fully reflects the splendor of ancient Byzantine architecture. Walking around the building today enables the visitor to compile a rich picture of the city's Islamic, Byzantine and other history of successive civilizations, especially with the presence of interesting murals and artifacts.

6. The statue of Liberty

The statue of Liberty

The statue of Liberty

Many people do not know that the statue of Liberty is originally a gift given by the French government to the government of the United States, it is a huge statue standing on Liberty Island, one of the most famous symbols known all over the world.

This statue was not made in the USA, but was made in France, and its construction was completed in July 1884, and it arrived in New York the following year. From 1886 until the era of jet aircraft and space flight, the statue of Liberty was often one of the first glimpses of the United States for millions of immigrants. Lady Liberty stands on a pedestal at an altitude of 305 feet, which visitors to the statue of Liberty can climb to get a panoramic view of the views of Brooklyn and the supporting Gustave Eiffel frame.

5. The Colosseum

The Colosseum
The Colosseum

The Colosseum is one of the most famous buildings ever built by man, and it needs almost no introduction. Even a visit to Italy is complete only with a visit to the Colosseum, which is considered an amazing Roman wonder.

The Colosseum or the so-called Flavian Amphitheater, a giant Roman amphitheater located in the center of Rome, was built in the east of the Roman Forum.the construction of the Colosseum dates back to the era of the Roman Empire in the first century between the year 70 and 72 ad during the reign of Emperor Flavio Vespasian, and was completed mainly in the year 80 during the reign of Emperor Titus, but some modifications were added to it during the reign of Emperor Domitian.

The largest amphitheater in the world was built of concrete and stones, the amphitheater is the largest work erected in the era of the Roman Empire, one of the greatest architectural triumphs of the Roman Empire and still stands almost 2000 years after its completion. It is considered one of the greatest and most magnificent works of Roman engineering and architecture.

The huge oval amphitheater is located in the heart of Rome, while three floors of huge arcades form its outer wall, but its interior has magnificent views of the endless seating areas, the network of tunnels and underground rooms, which were located under the floor of the arena.

Since the construction of the Colosseum during the Roman Empire, countless wrestling competitions, animal hunts and even mock sea battles have taken place in the stands, which can accommodate more than eighty thousand spectators. One of the most recognizable symbols of the former Roman Empire and Italy today, the Colosseum is a real must-see Wonder due to its amazing architecture, incredible size and historical significance.

4. Petra


The Pink City of Petra is an ancient desert city located in the state of Jordan, it was carved from pink sandstone cliffs by Arab Nabataean Bedouins thousands of years ago. It is located in the city of Petra in the desert of Jordan, specifically between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea.

And it's hard for a visitor to Petra to believe that this wondrous city was full of green parks, picturesque landscapes, luxurious houses and noisy markets. Instead, by walking or camel riding, you will discover the splendor of Petra and its abandoned caves, temples and tombs hidden within the city walls. Among them is the two-story Treasury carved into the rock face, which is considered one of the most beautiful sights of this ancient city. It's really a masterpiece worth seeing.

3. Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat temple is the most magnificent and largest angora temple in the country of Cambodia. The Angkor temple was built around the first half of the 12th century AD, where it was built by King sarvarman II at the beginning of the twelfth century to be the official Temple of his state and its capital.

It is currently the only temple in the region that remains a center of religious importance, thanks to the great care it has received since its was a Hindu temple built for the Indian god Vishnu, and later became a Buddhist temple. Angkor Wat is considered an authentic example of Khmer architecture, and has even become a symbol of the state of Cambodia, where it appears on its national flag, in addition to being a major and important factor of tourist attraction for visitors in the country.

The engineering and architectural beauty of the Angkor Wat temple made it one of the most prestigious monuments in the world. Surrounded by a huge rectangular reservoir, Angkor Wat rises through a series of three rectangular terraces to the central mausoleum and tower at an altitude of 669 feet. This arrangement reflects the traditional Khmer idea of the Temple Mount, where the Temple represents Mount Meru, the home of the gods in the Hindu religion.

2. Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal

Located in the north of the Republic of India, the Taj Mahal is a unique monumental mausoleum, built using white marble, it was built by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan of India in memory of the death of his beloved third wife Mumtaz Mahal.

The design of the Taj Mahal was developed by a team of engineers, headed by Engineer Ahmed Lahori. This building was built with white alabaster brought from jidhapur on a mastaba, the surface of which is covered with white alabaster, and a symmetrical minaret with a height of about 37 meters was erected at each corner of The Mastaba.

In the center of The Mastaba the mausoleum rises in the form of a quadrangle, the central part of the building is occupied by the main dome, the diameter of which is 17 meters. Its height is 22.5 meters. Each of the four facades of the building has a high entrance, and under the grand dome that rises above the center of the building is the mausoleum of the princess, and next to it is the mausoleum of her husband, both decorated with Islamic biblical inscriptions. It is considered one of the most beautiful examples of Islamic architecture, as it is widely known as "the jewel of Islamic Art in India and one of the timeless masterpieces in the world". The Taj Mahal is also known for being the most well-preserved shrine in the world.

It should be noted here that this monument is also called "a tear on the cheek of Eternity", and in fact it is an integral complex of grandiose structures. Besides the white-domed marble mausoleum, it includes several other very beautiful buildings, reflecting pools, and extensive ornamental gardens with flowering trees and shrubs.

1. The pyramids of Giza

The pyramids of Giza
The pyramids of Giza

It can be said that the pyramids of Giza are the most famous landmark in the world, they are the most important pharaonic monuments of all time in Egypt, the pyramids of Giza are located on the outskirts of Cairo, overlooking very interesting views formed by the endless sands of the desert.

History books mention that the construction of the pyramids in Giza was carried out over three generations during the fourth pharaonic dynasty of the ancient kingdom. These pyramids consist of three pyramids, the most prominent of which is the Great Pyramid of Cheops, which is considered the oldest remnant of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops is a spectacular pyramid with a height of 455 feet, which makes it the largest pyramid in Egypt, although another pyramid, the nearby Pyramid of Khafre, seems larger as it was built at a higher altitude.

In conclusion I hope you enjoyed our list of ten amazing places and, of course, if you know of any other huge ones, be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

We will make sure to put him on the to-do list so that we can make a detailed article for him in the near future thank you very much for joining us.

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