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Top 10 Man-Made Wonders of the World

Man began to create wonders from ancient times onwards through his unique power of creativity. When we look around the world around us, we can clearly see a lot of amazing man-made wonders that meet the spirit and artistic ability. 

Top 10 Man-Made Wonders of the World
Top 10 Man-Made Wonders of the World

Various lists of Wonders of the world have been compiled from ancient times since the oldest lists of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world were compiled more than 2000 years ago by ancient Hellenic tourists. And to this day, to catalog the most amazing natural features of the world and structures built by man.

The Seven Wonders of the ancient world is the oldest known list of this kind, documenting the most outstanding man-made creations of classical antiquity, here is the list of the top 10 most amazing man-made wonders of the world. This list includes ancient and modern wonders created by man for all time. 

10. The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower

Named after Gustave Eiffel, this iconic tower is an unmistakable symbol of Paris and a must-see sight when visiting the French capital.

This tower was initially built to be the impressive entrance to the world's fair, and it was between 1887 and 1889 that it turned into the highlight of Paris.

The height of this tower is 324 meters and was amazingly the tallest man-made building in the world, and it lasted quite a long time until the Empire State Building received the title in 1930.

It is very interesting to take the elevator all the way to the observation deck at the top of the tower and enjoy the views of the streets of Paris and admire the magnificent gardens below.

9. Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel

There are a lot of wonderful wonders in Egypt that are worth experiencing and among these wonders is Abu Simbel, which is considered among the most magnificent monuments in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Abu Simbel consists of two huge rock temples on the West Bank of Lake Nasser.

The twin temples were originally carved from the foot of the mountain during the reign of the Pharaohs, specifically during the time of Pharaoh Ramses the great in the 13th century before the birth of Christ, as a permanent monument to this great pharaoh and his Queen Nefertari. 

This archaeological complex was completely relocated in 1960 to avoid flooding during the construction of Lake Nasser, the huge artificial water reservoir formed after the construction of the High Dam in the Aswan region on the Nile River.

8. Ifugao Rice Terraces

Ifugao Rice Terraces
Ifugao Rice Terraces

Ifugao Rice Terraces, are considered among the wonderful paintings that will Photographers and travelers want to have a lot of memory cards with them when they visit the amazing Ifugao Rice Terraces on the island of Luzon. And that's almost 2000 years ago, people were growing rice on the terraces that follow the contours of the Cordilleras mountains. The most famous of them can be found throughout the city of Panau. These terraces were created by the Ifugao ethnic people without the use of modern tools and are still used today.

7. Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle is one of the magnificent architectural projects of the "Crazy" King Ludwig II of Bavaria, as Neuschwanstein Castle is described as the ideal fairy-tale castle.

Historically, the construction of the castle was started in 1869 by King Ludwig II, but unfortunately, this king could not live in his castle; he died in 1886, the same year that the construction of the amazing castle was completed.

This castle is located in the south of Bavaria among the wooded mountains and mirror-like lakes, the picturesque setting of the castle is as impressive as the building itself, and in fact, many of us do not know that it was the very high castle towers and the Romanesque Revival style that inspired Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty Castle.

6. Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa
Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa is a very impressive modern landmark, as this giant tower is an amazing marvel of architecture and engineering, with two observation decks and a restaurant bar on the 122nd floor.

The tallest building in the world pierces the sky at an altitude of 2715 feet and this landmark was opened in January 2010, six years after the start of construction operations. The construction of this huge tower involved up to 13,000 workers who worked night and day to build this edifice, laying a new floor in less than three days.

Enjoying the views from the top of the tallest building in the world is a wonderful experience that is worth it, and a trip to the observation deck "at the top" precisely on the 124th floor is the most common way to do this.

5. St. Peter's Cathedral

St. Peter's Cathedral
 St. Peter's Cathedral

The center of the Catholic World, St. Peter's basilica is a huge church. With an internal height of 400 feet, the space shuttle, together with its booster rockets, can fit into the interior, as well as the Statue of Liberty. The Basilica stands on the traditional site where historical sources state that the Apostle Peter was crucified and buried there.

Many historical books indicate that the construction work on the current building began precisely in 1506, and was completed in 1615. A group of famous artists worked in the complex and the surrounding areas, for example, Michelangelo designed the dome, while Bernini took care of the design of St. Peter's square.

4. Borobudur temple

Borobudur temple
Borobudur temple

Created from two million impressive blocks of volcanic stone, the Borobudur temple in Indonesia is the largest Buddhist religious temple in the world. Dating back to the 9th century AD, this huge temple eventually fell into ruin until it was rediscovered in 1800. Since then, this temple has been restored to its former glory and is now especially popular at sunrise.

The viewer of the Borobudur monument will find it consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms. The path of enlightenment leads from the base of the pyramid upwards through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, the world of forms, and the world of formlessness. It is an amazing temple decorated with more than 2000 inscriptions and 500 statues of Buddha, and each of these elements defines Buddhist teachings.

3. Temples of Baalbek

Temples of Baalbek
Temples of Baalbek

The Baalbek temple complex is located in the state of Lebanon in the Middle East and is a complex of magnificent temples. Once known as the city of the sun, the sprawling Baalbek complex is home to some of the most impressive ancient Roman ruins.

Among these monumental temples, we mention the two largest and greatest, the temple of Jupiter and the temple of Bacchus. The temple of Jupiter was created to be the largest temple in the ancient Roman Empire, and this famous temple was lined with 54 huge columns of granite stone, each of which is 21 meters long. But unfortunately, only 6 of these giant columns are still standing now, but nevertheless, these columns are still incredibly impressive.

Although most of the contents of the Baalbek temple complex have been lost, the best-preserved temple at this archaeological site is the temple of Bacchus, built in 150 AD. This is even though the site has been robbed several times over the centuries, however, Baalbek is still a very important historical site and is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the Middle East and in the state of Lebanon.

2. The Acropolis

The Acropolis
The Acropolis

The Acropolis is located in the capital city of Athens, Greece, which is a high rocky plateau. The term "acro" means height and altitude, while the name "Polis" means a city or a town, and this means that "Acropolis" means "High City".

The Acropolis is an ancient Greek temple, one of the most famous ancient Greek temples, and the ancient Greeks used to build an acropolis for every city of importance, and the Acropolis in Athens was of great importance compared to all the temples in ancient Greek cities, and in case of external invasion, the Greeks took the Acropolis as a fortified base resisting invading forces to the end. In 1987, the Acropolis was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Acropolis of Athens is a simply amazing place. This very huge mound is the site of several ancient sites dating back to the 5th century BC. Thus, the Acropolis is one of the most important tourist attractions, and the Acropolis also includes the temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheum, and, of course, the Parthenon. Built at the height of the glory of the Athenian Empire in 447 BC, the Parthenon is a symbol of ancient and modern Greece, impressive with its countless columns. And after dark, the Acropolis lights up, glows, and can be seen from distant places around Athens.

1. Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is one of the most famous archaeological sites on Earth, and Chichen Itza was in the past a very prosperous city, the archaeological site is located in the municipality of Tenom in the state of Yucatan, specifically on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Built by the Maya in 600 AD, it was abandoned in 1221 when Mayapan became the new capital of the region.

Highlights of Chichen Itza include the Kukulkan temple, which is a giant stone pyramid with four staircases representing a compass and 365 degrees for each day of the year. We recommend everyone who intends to visit this archaeological temple visit it during the period of the spring or autumn equinox, that's when the sun creates a light and spectacular show on the pyramid steps. Other sites that we recommend being sure to see also include: the ball field, the wall of skulls, and the Sacred Cenote, which was once a place dedicated to human sacrifice.

I hope you enjoyed our list of ten amazing places and, of course, if you know of any other huge ones, be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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